The ThreatAdvice Blog
Cybersecurity news, trends, tips, and more from our expert team.
The Colonial Pipeline Cyber Attack Explained with Will Taylor | NXT Up! Episode 15
How does a cyber attack lead to the shutdown of a major fuel supply for the East Coast? Why does it seem like cyber attacks on critical infrastructure are on the rise? And finally, what can companies...
Empowering Remote Staff: Insights from Kelly Spatz
How has the sudden shift to remote work impacted your company? How do you keep company culture intact? Kelly Spatz, VP of Human Resources at NXTsoft, joins us to share 5 things every manager can do...
The State of Cybersecurity with Steve Hines | NXT Up! Episode 12
Cyber attacks. Cyber crime. Cyber war. Where are we now in the cyber landscape, and how did we get here? Steve Hines, Co-Founder of ThreatAdvice by NXTsoft, unpacks the state of cybersecurity in...
Building A Breach Survival Kit With Starr Largin
Ransomware and How to Avoid It with Jay Brackman | NXT Up! Episode 8
NXTsoft's Jay Brackman demystifies one of the dark web's most relentless weapons: Ransomware. What is it? Why are ransomware attacks on the rise? How can you avoid it? Click below to watch, and enjoy!
Social Media & Digital Marketing that Works with Madison Junqueira | NXT Up! Episode 7
Hear from NXTsoft's Digital Marketing Director Madison Junqueira, as she shares effective B2B social media strategies and digital marketing trends headed into 2021.
What is ThreatAdvice Educate? - ThreatAdvice
ThreatAdvice Educate is NXTsoft’s cybersecurity education solution that trains employees on the basics of good cybersecurity practices in an organization. ThreatAdvice Educate includes...
Election Cybersecurity with Will Taylor | NXT Up! Episode 5
Election Day is almost here! Watch a special episode of NXT Up! Live as we discuss an insider's perspective on election cybersecurity with Will Taylor, Senior Cybersecurity Consultant at NXTsoft. Is...
What Exactly is 5G? - ThreatAdvice
Simply put, 5G networks are the next generation of mobile internet connectivity. 5G promises to offer connections that are much faster than current connections, and to allow computing devices to...
Demystifying Phishing Simulations: Insights from NXT-Up
Watch the very first episode of our brand new Live interview series, NXT Up! Live, featuring Elizabeth Jaimes from NXTsoft's ThreatAdvice Operations Management team. Elizabeth gives an...
Protect Your Success with ThreatAdvice Educate & vCISO (Demo)
Like it or not, in today's world, cybersecurity has to be on your radar to protect your organization from the pitfalls of hacks and breaches. The biggest risk of these events taking place are...