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    How Important are Updates and Patches? | ThreatAdvice

    Software updates and patches are a necessity to keep computers operating quickly and securely. However, many users delay updates to avoid downtime. Procrastinating updates and patches can put devices and computer networks at risk of being compromised or damaged. The sooner software updates are installed, the less time hackers have to exploit the security flaw. There are many benefits associated with updating devices as soon as possible.

    Benefits of Software Updates

    Filling Gaps

    Software updates are often provided because a security weakness has been found. Updates help plug holes so that users don’t fall victim to an attack. Updates also patch bugs and replace outdated features with new ones.

    Patching Flaws

    Cybercriminals are constantly looking for software vulnerabilities, or security holes that are often found within various programs or operating systems. Hackers exploit these weaknesses by writing code that is packaged with malware. They are then able to penetrate the network without being discovered. From there, cybercriminals can steal data and credentials. Patching flaws ensures that hackers are never able to find those holes.

    Securing Data

    Important data and documents are primarily kept exclusively on computers and personal devices. Hackers often search for personally identifiable information (PII) including bank account information, emails, or passport information, driver’s license numbers, and Social Security Numbers. Without proper security updates, hackers are more likely to find PII and use it for personal gain. Hackers may choose to sell the PII or they may keep it to commit identity theft.

    Protecting Others

    While users may see software updates as inconvenient for themselves, they must also consider the importance of protecting others. It only takes one user catching a virus for it to spread throughout the entire organization. Users who neglect updates put themselves, their coworkers, their clients, and their own families at risk.

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    Software updates and patches are a necessity to keep computers operating quickly and securely. However, many users delay updates to avoid downtime. Procrastinating updates and patches can put devices and computer networks at risk of being compromised or damaged. The benefits of installing software updates immediately include filling gaps, patching flaws, securing data and protecting others.

    For assistance in evaluating your strategies, technical requirements, staff evaluations and communications contact a ThreatAdvice Professional to learn more.