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    Making Mr. Robot: Cyberbytes Monthly Roundup - ThreatAdvice

    The ThreatAdvice Monthly Roundup  |  October 2019

    Mr. Robot, Yahoo's settlement, Instagram phishing, and more: Enjoy the five most fascinating cybersecurity articles we found on National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Stay cyber safe!

    Hollywood hack job: What it’s like to be the cybersecurity consultant behind the hit TV show “Mr. Robot.”

    Do you Yahoo? Yahoo could pay you $358 for its massive data breach settlement. Here’s how you claim it.

    Real or fake? Kudos to Instagram for adding a new feature to its app to help prevent phishing attacks. Here’s how it works.

    A friendly PSA: Hey, turn Bluetooth off when you’re not using it. Seriously. Here’s why.

    The 9 biggest password mistakes, from fraud expert, ex-con artist and ThreatAdvice spokesperson Frank Abagnale. Avoid them at all costs.