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    ThreatAdvice Cybersecurity Education

    Cybersecurity Training and Awareness Exercises for Employees

    Cybersecurity Training and Awareness Made Easy For Your Organization

    What if your organization’s greatest cybersecurity weakness - your employees - could be turned into a rock-solid defense against hackers? Enter ThreatAdvice Cybersecurity Education. We make it simple to protect your success with micro-learning, video-based courses, testing and gamification as well as phishing simulations and administrative tracking of employee progress.

    Contact Us!

    Your Biggest Risk

    Personnel will always be your biggest cybersecurity risk. Did you know that over 90% of all enterprise cyber breaches occur because of an unsuspecting employee not being prepared in the basic steps of cybersecurity? Employees may be the biggest threat to your cybersecurity, but they can also be your most effective means of thwarting an attack.

    ThreatAdvice Cybersecurity Education provides cybersecurity training for employees that brings the necessary cybersecurity knowledge and skills to help you avoid a cyber-attack and protect valuable company data, and also provides regular phishing tests to validate their actual preparedness. Security training for all levels including management and C-Suite is critical to consider when threat modeling.

    The ThreatAdvice Cybersecurity Education Solution

    ThreatAdvice's micro-learning, video-based cybersecurity training courses and testing are easy for employees to understand and encourage engagement and completion. Tracking employee progress is a breeze for administrators.

    Complementing the cybersecurity training education portions are management and awareness tools to ensure compliance and oversight. ThreatAdvice’s quarterly phishing simulations put what your employees have learned to a real world test and provide data that is incorporated into an individual employee risk level scorecard where every single employee is rated individually as to his or her security risk to the enterprise. The ThreatAdvice Company Threat Plan provides a high-level overview of the risk and health of the organization so you can address the vulnerabilities found in both your workforce and your systems. Our extensive policies and procedures library can be used to create new policies or to supplement existing policies and is complemented by an audit/tracking mechanism account for employees who have/haven’t acknowledged policies.

    A cyberattack can be extremely damaging to your organization. Take the necessary steps to help ensure your company won’t become a victim by implementing ThreatAdvice Cybersecurity Education today.

    “What I did in my youth is hundreds of times easier today. Technology breeds crime, so ongoing, non-technical employee cyber education is a must in keeping any enterprise safe. I highly recommend ThreatAdvice.”

    Frank Abagnale, Former “Catch Me If You Can” Con-artist Turned 40+ Year FBI Consultant

    After just 1 year of training, ThreatAdvice clients show a 64% improvement in their employees' click-through phishing rate.


    ThreatAdvice Cybersecurity Education Includes

    • Written and video classes in micro-training format
    • Unlimited Phishing Simulations On Demand
    • Customized Learning Paths
    • Individual Employee Risk Level Scorecard
    • Detailed Audit Reporting
    • Frank Abagnale Cyber Academy
    • Company Threat Plan
    • Policies Library
    • Employee Tracking
    • Mobile Friendly Interface
    • Trivia & Gamification
    • Multiple New Courses Added Monthly

    Take a Look

    Get a quick overview of our cybersecurity solutions to see how you can protect your success.


    Sample Course

    Ensure You're Properly Managing Third Party Vendor Risk

    Use our free tool to better understand the environment and structure of your mission critical and major vendors.


    What Our Clients Say

    At ThreatAdvice, we pride ourselves on delivering unbeatable solutions and services. But don't take our word for it - take theirs:

    • “ThreatAdvice is easy to use and easy to get tech support as needed. A great training tool for our staff.”
      David Kostiak
      University of Scranton Police Department
    • “VERY easy to use and understand. Out of a firm of 70, no one has to ask me for help with how to use it.”
      Kari Wolfe
      Hartmann, Blackmon, & Kilgore, P.C.
    • “Wonderful. The support is fast and effective. Setup was super easy and we deployed a semester of training to all employees.”
      Tony Madero
      Northwest Career College
    • “The experience overall has been very positive. I'd call this the model for how a vendor should support their solution.”
      Ken Shaurette
    • Excellent, personalized customer service and a smooth onboarding experience. You can tell that they have a good company culture. They took great care of us, and we've recommended them to many others since then.
      Jessie Wallace
      Community Connections

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