Access the Full Frank Abagnale Cyber Academy Now for Free!
NXTsoft is providing our Frank Abagnale Cyber Academy, part of our ThreatAdvice Educate Solution, for FREE! The academy includes 14 courses on employee cybersecurity education. These classes cover an array of topics from public WiFi and IoT devices, to ransomware response and smishing.
Deemed the "Father of Social Engineering", Frank Abagnale's career as a conman, and his time working with the federal government, has made him an expert in detecting scams and security threats. Abagnale uses his expertise in these free courses to help organizations during these unprecedented times.
During the COVID-19 outbreak, there are countless dangers that your employees may encounter while working remotely. It's essential to provide them with the best resources to operate safely and successfully. Sign up today to access the entire Frank Abagnale Cyber Academy now!